Face Value: 2004 Wisconsin Quarters

Posted on 12/13/2022

Keep an eye out for two varieties with an extra leaf in the corn husk; one is more valuable than the other.

Just over 450 million 2004 Wisconsin Quarters were struck for circulation as the well-received State and Territorial Quarters series headed passed the halfway point. The design of the Wisconsin quarter is straightforward: To celebrate the importance of agriculture to the state, the reverse shows the state motto ("Forward") below a cow, a cheese wheel and an ear of corn.

The worth of a 2004 Wisconsin Quarter will vary depending on its grade and finish, as well as two important varieties associated with the appearance of the corn plant. These slight differences create an exciting opportunity to check your pocket change for a valuable variety.

2004 Proof Wisconsin Quarter

Wisconsin Quarters for circulation were struck at the Philadelphia and Denver Mint facilities, while Proofs were all struck in San Francisco. So, if your coin has an 'S' mintmark (found beneath IN GOD WE TRUST on the obverse), it is a Proof. The Copper-Nickel Clad Copper Proofs weigh about 5.67 grams, while the Silver Proofs are slightly heavier at about 6.25 grams. Proof Wisconsin Quarters had a mintage of 2.7 million for the Clad version and 1.7 million for the silver one.

An important factor determining the market value of Proof coins is whether they earned the Cameo or Ultra Cameo designation. These describe the degree of frost present on the design elements, with Ultra Cameo being more desirable. According to the NGC Price Guide, a free resource provided by NGC, 2004 Proof Wisconsin Quarters are worth:

  • Clad Cameo: $1 (in PF 60 Cameo) to $22 (in PF 70 Cameo)
  • Clad Ultra Cameo: $1 (in PF 60 Ultra Cameo) to $40 (in PF 70 Ultra Cameo)
  • Silver Cameo: $8 (in PF 60 Cameo) to $27 (in PF 70 Cameo)
  • Silver Ultra Cameo: $10 (in PF 60 Ultra Cameo) to $55 (in PF 70 Ultra Cameo)

To learn more about Proof Wisconsin Quarters and see the latest values from the NGC Price Guide, visit the pages for the Clad and Silver Proofs in NGC Coin Explorer.

2004-S Silver Proof Wisconsin Quarter from NGC Coin Explorer
Click images to enlarge.

2004-P Wisconsin Quarter

The Philadelphia issue has a mintage of 226,400,000. According to the NGC Price Guide, Mint State 2004-P Wisconsin Quarters are worth: $0.50 (MS 60) to $300 (MS 68).

To learn more about the 2004-P Wisconsin Quarter and see the latest values from the NGC Price Guide, visit NGC Coin Explorer.

2004-D Wisconsin Quarter (No Variety)

The Denver issue has a mintage of 226,600,000. According to the NGC Price Guide, Mint State 2004-D Wisconsin Quarters (with no variety) are worth: $0.50 (MS 60) to $900 (MS 69).

To learn more about the 2004-D Wisconsin Quarter and see the latest values from the NGC Price Guide, visit NGC Coin Explorer.

2004-D Wisconsin Quarter (Extra Leaf High and Extra Leaf Low Varieties)

An unknown but apparently small number of Denver quarters have one of two important varieties involving the corn plant. At the bottom left, an extra leaf can be seen protruding at either a sharply vertical angle (Extra Leaf High) or roughly parallel to the ground (Extra Leaf Low). According to the NGC Price Guide, these varieties are worth:

  • Extra Leaf High: $50 (XF) to $1,200 (MS 67)
  • Extra Leaf Low: $45 (XF) to $1,200 (MS 67)

Extra Leaf High Extra Leaf Low No variety
Click images to enlarge.

In most grades, the Extra Leaf High variety carries a significant premium. For instance, in MS 65 (the grade at which NGC has certified the most coins from each variety), the Extra Leaf High has an NGC Price Guide value of $270 vs. $160 for the Low Leaf variety.

Want to add one or both to your collection? An NGC-certified example of each variety is being offered in a Heritage Auctions sale in January 2023. To find them, click here.

To learn more about the 2004-D Wisconsin Quarter varieties and see the latest values from the NGC Price Guide, visit the pages for the Extra Leaf High and Extra Leaf Low varieties in NGC Coin Explorer.

2004-D Wisconsin State Quarter - Extra Leaf High and Extra Leaf Low, each graded NGC MS 66 and offered by Heritage Auctions in January 2023.
Click images to enlarge.

All values are based on the NGC Price Guide as of December 2022.

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