NGC Registry Featured Set: US Armed Forces

Posted on 12/10/2024

A new Army Medal inspires a salute to military-related US Mint issues.

One of the very last US Mint issues for 2024 was just released on December 5, and it is sure to be a hit. In recognition of our Armed Forces, this 2024 US Army Bronze Medal is a lovely piece, an appropriate tribute to this branch of the US military that dates to 1775. Designed by well-known US Mint designers and sculptors (Durham, Damstra, Campbell and Gordon), the medal is a perfect addition to round out any US Armed Forces collection. As such, we feature a No. 1-ranked NGC Registry Armed Forces set, by Guenther Trust, found here.

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Dating back to 2021, this set type is not one of high quantity but of high quality. Appreciated by veteran and novice collectors alike, these silver and bronze issues each depict a distinct, realistic scene for each division: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. From scenes of soldiers ready for action, such as with the 2022 Silver 2.5-ounce Navy Medal with the legend DON’T GIVE UP THE SHIP to the intimidating image of a US Coast Guard vessel with the legend HONOR, RESPECT, DEVOTION TO DUTY on a 2023 Bronze Medal, these pieces are lovely to behold.

Followed in rank by 99 other collectors, Guenther Trust currently sits at the head of the pack in this popular US medal set type. He has taken the time to upload images for all his coins, the majority being “Top Pop” NGC 70s. For a full appreciation of the artwork of these historic issues, peruse Guenther’s full gallery here.

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Guenther Trust is top-ranked not only in this set but also in many others. Amassing an astounding 2.7 million total points to date, he has proven to be a formidable force in the NGC Registry. Four-time winner of NGC Registry major awards, he offers sets that cover a wide expanse of countries. If you are interested, be sure to check out his other sets here. We thank you, Guenther Trust, for your longtime support of and admirable contributions to the NGC Registry.

It is an exciting time for Guenther and for all participants in the NGC Registry. Have you marked your calendars yet? All of us at NGC are excited about the new awards venue at 2025 Summer ANA, and we hope you are, too! This transition period to a new awards schedule offers a unique opportunity that has never been available before! There is extra planning time this year; this translates into more time for upgrades to your sets. Furthermore, our administrative team produces countless new set types daily, offering new collecting opportunities for every collector, big and small. Feel free to reach out to us at with your requests and feedback. We appreciate each of you. Good luck to everyone!

The NGC Registry is a free online platform where collectors register and display their certified coins and can compete against other collectors around the world for recognition and prizes. The NGC Registry continues to be the world’s most comprehensive online coin collecting platform thanks to you, our treasured collectors. This popular resource now boasts more than 38,000 users, 368,000+ registered sets and more than 1.93 million registered coins.

In January of 2024, we awarded more than $35,000 in prizes — the highest prize value awarded yet! Check out the 2023 NGC award winners here! Check out the exciting changes we have for the 2025 annual awards, including the new venue, here!

Would you like your set to be featured in a future article? 100% completion in a set is not always feasible. Perhaps we will choose someone whose set has a personal story behind it or some interesting historical facts. We are looking for those sets where someone has taken the time to make the set unique and a reflection of his or her personal collecting style. It may be your set! Stay tuned.

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