NGC Registry Featured Set: Tudor Beasts

Posted on 3/18/2025

With a greyhound joining the British series, we check on a magnificent set that muscled its way to the top of its category.

The Royal Mint is now releasing another group of coins from the beloved Tudor Beasts series. The Greyhound of Richmond is the latest beast to join the line-up, and these coins are sure to be a hit in the NGC Registry. These new releases already have a home in one of the most popular set types in the NGC Great Britain-Bullion category. Let’s check out the #1 ranked Tudor Beasts Complete set, by CKWONG, found here.

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These coins are whimsical pieces, representative of a significant time during the reign of Henry VIII. After capturing the Hampton Court Palace in the 1500s, Henry transformed the estate into a center of government and culture. Eager to display and solidify his power, he married Jane Seymour in 1536 and commissioned a team to create statues of beasts where each somehow represented the family’s lineage. As aptly stated by the Royal Mint: “These Royal Beasts were one of the many ways Henry VIII ensured the future success of the Tudor dynasty and are often considered some of the most intricate and beautiful motifs used by Henry VIII to decorate the palace and gardens.”

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The Greyhound, the only beast sporting a jousting shield, joins several impressive, intimidating creatures such as The Queen’s Panther, The Tudor Dragon and the Bull of Clarence, to name a few. Our #1 collector, CKWONG, offers a lovely NGC "Top Pop" example of the Bull of Clarence 2023 Silver 10 Pound coin, graded NGC PF 70 Ultra Cameo.

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CKWONG has worked hard to collect many high-quality coins to date, not just the Silver 10 Pound Bull piece. Winner of a 2023 Best-in-Category, this devoted collector sits in the top-ranked spot followed by 81 other collectors. The coins in this featured set range in denomination from 2 Pounds all the way up to 500 Pounds, so filling this set is a challenge for even the most devoted of collectors. Loaded with mostly NGC "Top Pop" coins and with images for all of the magnificent beasts, this set should not be missed. Be sure to check out CKWONG’s gallery here.

A big thank you to CKWONG and to all participants in the NGC Registry.

Have you marked your calendars yet? All of us at NGC are excited about the new awards venue at 2025 Summer ANA, and we hope you are, too! This transition period to a new awards schedule offers a unique opportunity that has never been available before! There is extra planning time this year; this translates into more time for upgrades to your sets. Furthermore, our administrative team produces countless new set types daily, offering new collecting opportunities for every collector, big and small. Feel free to reach out to us at with your requests and feedback. We appreciate each of you. Good luck to everyone!

The NGC Registry is a free online platform where collectors register and display their certified coins and can compete against other collectors around the world for recognition and prizes. The NGC Registry continues to be the world’s most comprehensive online coin collecting platform thanks to you, our treasured collectors. This popular resource now boasts more than 38,000 users, 379,000+ registered sets and more than 1.97 million registered coins.

In January of 2024, we awarded more than $35,000 in prizes — the highest prize value awarded yet! Check out the 2023 NGC award winners here! Check out the exciting changes we have for the 2025 annual awards, including the new venue, here!

Would you like your set to be featured in a future article? 100% completion in a set is not always feasible. Perhaps we will choose someone whose set has a personal story behind it or some interesting historical facts. We are looking for those sets where someone has taken the time to make the set unique and a reflection of his or her personal collecting style. It may be your set! Stay tuned.

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