NGC Offers New Label for Greatest Modern Coins

Posted on 2/12/2013

Special label now available for coins included in the second edition of 100 Greatest US Modern Coins.

NGC has created a special presentation label for coins featured in 100 Greatest U.S. Modern Coins, 2nd Edition. The attractive blue and black NGC label boldly shows a coin’s rank adjacent to standard NGC certification information including description and grade.

100 Greatest U.S. Modern Coins is the eighth entry in Whitman Publishing's award-winning 100 Greatest® library. Authored by Scott Schechter and Jeff Garrett, it explores the most fascinating, rarest, most popular, and most valuable Mint products of recent generations. A detailed history describes each coin included in the book along with an enlarged color photograph, certified population and market values. This revised and updated second edition features new additions to the list and dramatic, even surprising, changes in ranking. A new appendix shows how coins changed position on the list and explains the reasoning for the most extreme changes.

Throughout the book, Schechter and Garrett describe how to collect and enjoy U.S. modern coins, aspects of the marketplace, and smart buying. NGC's special certification label should appeal to collectors seeking to build a certified collection of coins included in the book.

100 Greatest U.S. Modern Coins, 2nd Edition is currently available for purchase on Amazon, elsewhere online and at book stores nationwide.

There are two ways to have coins featured in the book encapsulated in NGC’s special label:

    1. Raw (uncertified) coins may be submitted for grading using NGC’s Modern tier or higher with the Special Label / Releases selected and 100 GREATEST LABEL 2ND EDITION written in the "Other" section. No per invoice submission minimums apply, but coins to be encapsulated with this label MUST be submitted on their own submission form separate from coins receiving other labels.

    2. Coins already encapsulated by NGC may be submitted for ReHolder service with the instruction 100 GREATEST LABEL 2ND EDITION. Again, coins to be encapsulated with this label MUST be submitted on their own submission form separate from coins receiving other labels.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Updated 2018 Labels #3 and #4 are retired. To accommodate collectors active building collections, NGC still offers a certification label for the first edition and second edition of 100 Greatest U.S. Modern Coins. To request this label, #1162, should appear on the certification form. An edition number is required.

Please make sure coins to receive this label appear on their own submission form as mixed label submission for this special label cannot be honored. All submitters must have an active submission account, such as a NGC Collectors Society account. Questions regarding the special label and submitting coins to NGC should be directed to NGC customer service at or
1-800-NGC-COIN (642-2646).

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