NGC Introduces New Raw Coin Imaging Service

Posted on 5/30/2018

NGC introduced a new “raw” coin high-resolution imaging service on June 1, 2018. This service provides submitters with high-resolution images of their coins before they are encapsulated in NGC holders. These images are perfect for use in the NGC Registry, on the NGC Chat Boards or in online marketplace listings.

The raw coin imaging service is called NGC Photo Vision®, and it replaces NGC’s current service of the same name.

Submitters who select NGC Photo Vision on the NGC Submission Form will receive high-resolution JPG images of the obverse and the reverse of the coin as well as a side-by-side high resolution JPG with the NGC logo and NGC submission number. The three images will be sent to the email address provided by the submitter.

NGC Photo Vision provides a side-by-side JPG image (top) as well as individual obverse and reverse JPG images (bottom).
Click images to enlarge.

See additional NGC Photo Vision samples below.

NGC Photo Vision is $8 per coin. Submitters can use NGC’s existing submission forms; this discount will be automatically applied.

“For years, NGC has taken extraordinary photos of coins prior to encapsulation for its marketing and internal image catalog,” said Rick Montgomery, NGC President. “By popular demand, we are now giving our customers the ability to request this superior service for their own coins.”

All coins submitted under the new NGC Photo Vision service are imaged, regardless of the grading result, except for CrossOver submissions that do not cross and NGC-certified coins that are submitted for NCS conservation and are evaluated but not conserved. Not genuine and other coins that are returned raw (not encapsulated) are still imaged under this service.

Submitters must select a grading tier in addition to the NGC Photo Vision service, except for coins that are already encapsulated in NGC holders. For these coins, submitters can select the lower-cost ReHolder service in addition to the NGC Photo Vision service.

This new service is initially available only for submissions received at NGC's Sarasota, Florida, USA, headquarters on or after June 1, 2018. This includes submissions that are shipped to NGC’s US Headquarters from NGC International GmbH, its German affiliate, and from NGC Hong Kong Ltd., its Hong Kong, China affiliate. NGC Photo Vision is not currently available for on-site grading submissions or for submissions to NGC Shanghai Business Information Consulting Co., Ltd., NGC’s China affiliate.

To learn more about NGC’s imaging services, go to

Ordering NGC Photo Vision coin images

If you’re a member of the NGC Collectors Society, you can log in and order this service in Box 10 on the NGC/NCS Submission form. Not a member? Join today!

NGC Photo Vision Samples

NGC Photo Vision Sample: side-by-side JPG image (top) and individual obverse and reverse JPG images (bottom).
Click to enlarge.

NGC Photo Vision Sample: side-by-side JPG image (top) and individual coin JPG images (bottom).
Click to enlarge.

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