Always Verify Your NGC Coins with the NGC Website or App

Posted on 6/5/2019

A quick, easy and free way to check out a coin before you buy.

Coin collectors should always check NGC®-certified coins on NGC’s website or in the NGC mobile app to verify their authenticity and learn other important information about them.

Verify NGC Certificate results on the NGC app for a
coin you wouldn't want to buy.

NGC has certified more than 43 million coins since it was founded in 1987. Coins certified by NGC are encapsulated in tamper-evident, clear holders with a label featuring the coin’s description, NGC grade, a unique NGC certification number and a barcode.

Details from NGC’s database are available for nearly all of these coins for free in the Verify NGC Certification resource at or in the NGC mobile app. Simply enter a coin’s NGC certification number and grade to verify its description and NGC grade. (The hyphens in the numbers don't have to be entered in the app or on the website). NGC app users also can quickly and easily scan the NGC barcode to do a search.

Images of the coin’s obverse and reverse are available for more than 20 million coins graded by NGC since October 2008. This comprehensive image library helps collectors ensure that an NGC holder is authentic and not tampered with.  

Verify NGC Certification is also integrated with the NGC Census, NGC Registry and, for US coins, the NGC US Coin Price Guide. This allows a visitor to research the coin’s relative rarity, add it to their NGC Registry inventory and check its estimated value in the NGC Price Guide.

If NGC is aware of a potential problem with an NGC-certified coin or its holder, the Verify NGC Certification search result will include one of these alerts:

  • CONTACT NGC CUSTOMER SERVICE: The user should contact NGC Customer Service for more information.
  • POSSIBLE COUNTERFEIT HOLDER: NGC has observed a counterfeit holder with the same NGC certification number.
  • REPORTED STOLEN: NGC has received a credible report that this coin was stolen from its owner.
  • MECHANICAL ERROR: NGC is aware of a typographical error on the label. The coin should be returned to the company for correction.

Visit to verify NGC-certified coins.

To learn more about the NGC mobile app and to download it, click here. The app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

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