The NGC Registry Awards
Every year the NGC Registry awards more than $20,000 in prizes to the best sets. To enter, simply create an NGC Registry set and add your coins. The deadline for entering is June 1, and awards will be announced in August at the ANA World’s Fair of Money. Please note that private sets will not be considered for awards.

About the NGC Registry
The NGC Registry is a free, online platform where collectors register and display their coins. The NGC Registry helps you to keep your collection organized, set collecting goals and learn from collectors around the world. Every August, the best sets are honored with prizes and recognition. Learn more >
Major Awards
The winner in each of the following categories receives a plaque, a $500 NGC grading credit and an icon of recognition on their NGC Registry profile. At least 75% of the coins registered to a set must be NGC-certified to be eligible for one of the major awards.

David W. Lange Overall Achievement Award
Three collectors are awarded for Overall Achievement in NGC Registry set collecting based on factors such as activity (frequency of updates), total coins, total point score and presentation (images and thoughtful descriptions). The David W. Lange Overall Achievement Award is the NGC Registry’s highest honor, with winners receiving a $1,000 NGC credit.
Competitive Set Awards
The top competitive sets are carefully evaluated by NGC's judges, who select the best sets from the entire NGC Registry. Sets must be at least 50% complete to be eligible for these awards.

Best Classic Set
World and US sets are eligible

Best Modern Set
World and US sets are eligible

Best Presented Set

Best New Set
Custom Set Awards
NGC's judges select the best custom sets based on a variety of factors, including the items featured, the theme, the presentation and more.

Important Notes
The deadline to enter each year’s NGC Registry Awards is in early June. Look for announcements on the NGC website. Winners are announced in August at the ANA World’s Fair of Money.
At least 75% of the coins registered to a set must be NGC-certified for the set to be eligible for the Major Awards listed above. Competitive sets must be at least 50% complete to be eligible for Major Awards.
Private sets will not be considered for any award type. If an owner of a private set wishes to compete for awards and have the rank of their set displayed, they must change their set from private to public by July 1 of the award year.

Best in Category Awards
The NGC Registry also recognizes the top set in each category. Each winner receives a certificate of recognition and an icon displayed next to their winning set.